Information about the Summer Itinerary for Mykines 21.02.2025 The 2025 summer itinerary for Route 36 is now available. As in 2024, there will be three double trips daily from May 1 to August 31. All departures have been adjusted by 15 minutes to enhance connectivity with the bus transit. Currently, bookings are available until...
Alert: Fake Advertisements for Strandfaraskip Landsins on Facebook 02.09.2024 We have recently been made aware of fake advertisements appearing on a fraudulent Facebook page posing as Strandfaraskip Landsins. These ads falsely claim to offer free travel cards and heavily discounted travel cards for just 18 kr. per month. We strongly advise our...
16. - 17. August: Ovastevna - Changes on route 90 to Nólsoy 15.08.2024 Like previous years there is a lot of activity in Nólsoy for the Ova Festival. Ternan will sail according to a special timetable on Saturday and on Sunday morning during the festival. TICKETS - VALID ON SATURDAY 08:00 - 06:00 Tickets can be purchased on the harbour...
Route 66 to Skúvoy is Now Available in our Booking System 25.07.2024 Strandfaraskip Landsins is pleased to announce that Route 66 to Skúvoy is now available in our booking system. The first trips can be booked starting from July 31st, with reservations open from today, July 25th. We hope this new feature will assist you in planning yo...